Welcome to Hotel Segas Blog. Hotel Segas is a family boutique hotel in Loutraki Greece. It offers superb and personalised service at affordable prices in the seaside resort of Loutraki, Greece, just an hour outside Athens. We offer authentic Greek hospitality and exceptional value for money and time. Hotel Segas is your home in Greece! Aristidis, Maria and Mama Katerina look forward to welcome you! KALHMERA!
Kλειστό γυμναστήριο «Γ. Γαλανόπουλος» στο Λουτράκι
Στο τελικό στάδιο της προετοιμασίας της μπαίνει από σήμερα η
Εθνική Ανδρών ενόψει της αναμέτρησης με την Μεγάλη Βρετανία για την 1η
προκριματική φάση του EURO 2016, η οποία θα διεξαχθεί την Τετάρτη 31 Οκτωβρίου,
ώρα 17:30 (ΟΤΕ TV) στο κλειστό γυμναστήριο Λουτρακίου.
Οι «λεγεωνάριοι» Γιώργος Χαλκίδης, Αλέξανδρος Βασιλάκης, Σάββας
Καρυπίδης, Γρηγόρης Σανίκης και Χάρης Μάλλιος ενσωματώθηκαν στην αποστολή της
ομάδας στο Λουτράκι και προπονήθηκαν, ενώ το απόγευμα η Εθνική θα είναι πάνοπλη
με την προσθήκη των Δημήτρη Τζιμούρτου και Βύρωνα Παπαδόπουλου.
Αύριο η συνέντευξη Τύπου
Στις 13:00 το μεσημέρι της Τρίτης θα διεξαχθεί η συνέντευξη
Τύπου του αγώνα στην αίθουσα του Δημοτικού Συμβουλίου του Δημαρχείου Λουτρακίου-
Αγίων Θεοδώρων. Παρόντες θα είναι ο Δήμαρχος της πόλης Κώστας Λογοθέτης, ο Ειδικός
Γραμματέας της ΟΧΕ Δημήτρης Σταυρακάκης, καθώς και οι προπονητές και αθλητές
των δύο ομάδων.
With Mona El Said, Tommy King, Asmahan, Asi Haskal, Hakima,Katalin Schafer, Rida Fatin, Maria Aya, Elina Pechersky, Prince Kayammer, Carolina Evanof, Simona Guzman and more....
Enjoy a beautiful vacation with a warm atmosphere!
Open for all, dancers and accompanies
The "Mediterranean Delight Festival" will take the spotlight for the 3nd time on June 6th - 10th, 2013,
at a piece of heaven, "Club Hotel Casino and Resort"
Loutraki, Greece
Teachers from all over the world will thrill the participants
during 4 days and nights of a Greek fantasy
in a beautiful 5* hotel on a full board basis
Experience the best master class teachers workshops Belly dance competition – “The Star of the Orient” Gala nights with the best dancers around the globe
Welcome to the Greek culture Nightly shows and dance parties Live authentic music
And many more surprises...
Full Festival participation package includes:
- 4 nights accommodation at a 5 stars hotel,
All inclusive hosting (breakfast, lunch, dinner and drinks every day)
- Transportation (from and to the airport)
- All workshops participation
- All nightly performances
Accompany's package
The festival is opened to people who wants to enjoy a beautiful and unique vacation with oriental touch, tours, resort, casino and nightly shows with live music and Gala shows.
For your comfort, we offer a special package for an accompany! instead of 3 days of workshops, your accompany
will get 3 full days of travels and amazing experiences!
Accompany's Packge Price:
700 Euro
Additional Festival Prices (without accommodation):
Full 3 festival days and 3 nightly events, June 6th-10th 2012 = 360€
1 day of workshops and nightly show= 130€
single workshop = 30€
Single workshop with Mona El Said= 40 Euro
Nightly Show = 20€
Contacts around the world:
Contact our worldwide group organizers for any help
Ο Δήμος Λουτρακίου - Αγίων Θεοδώρων σε συνεργασία με τον Όμιλο ΑNTENNA συνεχίζουν τις φαντασμαγορικές παραστάσεις για την σεζόν 2012 - 2013που μεταδίδονται ζωντανά από τη METROPOLITANOPERA ΤΗΣ ΝΕΑΣ ΥΟΡΚΗΣ στο «Αλεξάνδρειο» Συνεδριακό Κέντρο Λουτρακίου.
Πρώτη παράσταση το Σάββατο 13 ΟΚΤΩΒΡΙΟΥ και ώρα 19:55
Το αριστούργημα του Gaetano Donizetti: "Το ελιξίριο του έρωτα"
Το Ελιξίριο του Έρωτα (L'Elisir d'Amore), σε σκηνοθεσία του Bartlett Sher και διεύθυνση ορχήστρας του Maurizio Benini. H Anna Netrebko κάνει το ντεμπούτο της στη ΜΕΤ στο ρόλο της όμορφης γαιοκτήμονας Αντίνα, ενώ ο Matthew Polenzani είναι ο Νεμορίνο, ο απλός χωρικός που την ερωτεύεται.
O Μariusz Kwiecien ερμηνεύει το λοχία Μπελκόρε, τον υπερόπτη μνηστήρα της Αντίνα, ενώ ο Ambrogio Maestri θα τραγουδήσει το ρόλο του μάγου γιατρού, δόκτορος Ντουλκαμάρα. “Το Ελιξίριο του Έρωτα είναι ταυτόχρονα δύο όπερες σε μία”, λέει ο Sher. “Είναι μια όπερα πολύ ψυχαγωγική, ενώ παράλληλα διαθέτει κάτι άλλο που συμβαίνει σε δεύτερο επίπεδο. Επηρεάζεται από τα όσα γίνονταν στην ιταλική ιστορία την εποχή που γράφτηκε - μπορούμε να διακρίνουμε τα πρώτα σκιρτήματα μιας κραυγής για ανεξαρτησία”.
Since 1997, the Latsis Group and Eurobank EFG, under the auspices and coordination of the Latsis Foundation, publish annually a volume devoted to a single archaeological museum, aiming to create a series whose scholarly prestige and aesthetic approach would contribute to a deeper knowledge and further understanding of the various aspects of the history of Greek civilisation.
This cultural journey began in 1997 with the Benaki Museum, whose treasures constitute the cultural mosaic of Hellenism throughout the centuries. The journey continued in the following year, ascending the Holy Rock of the Acropolis, where the old Acropolis Museum stands next to the Parthenon. In 2001, the Foundation΄s compass pointed towards the less known Archaeological Museum of Piraeus, which had a happy surprise in store for all of us: the discovery, through its exhibits, of life in a city that embodied the principles and values of Athenian Democracy. In 2002 we travelled further west, visiting one of the most important and sacred sanctuaries of the ancient world, the Elefsis Archaeological Site, the place of worship dedicated to Demeter, the goddess of earth, vegetation, fertility and hope.
The return of the Olympic Games to the land of their birth directed the Foundation towards Delos, the mythical birthplace of Apollo, one of the great gods of the Greek pantheon. In 2004, our archaeological tour brought us to Macedonia a land that yielded antiquities of inestimable value. The most important amongst them are presented in the volume dedicated to the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki.
Crete constitutes one of the first chapters in the centuries-long history of Hellenic culture. At this Mediterranean crossroads, a unique cultural product was created, reflecting the social composition, religious framework and economic development of the island. Thousands of masterpieces of Minoan civilisation are housed in the Archaeological Museum of Herakleion and are reproduced in the Foundation΄s publication. In 2006, the John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation visitedThe Archaeological Museum of Delphi and its archaeological site, which was linked to prophecy and was known as the omphalos (navel) of the earth.
Terminus of the Foundation's cultural journey, which began in 1997 and is still continued, is the publication, dedicated to the National Archaeological Museum. By thumbing through its pages, the reader is initiated into the "diachronia" of the ancient Hellenic art as a whole. Through the Museum's allure and the exhibits' richness, a votary of arts could synthesise and analyse the route of Hellenism with a parallel reduction to the daily life of the ancient Greek societies from the early Neolithic to the Roman ages. The unique exhibits are presented in the galleries of a monumental building of the 19th century, a representative example of the contemporary architectural heritage and an important guardian of the history, the collective consciousness and the cultural heritage of our country.
The sacred site of Ancient Olympia underwent a terrible trial during the catastrophic fires of 2007. With it, the whole of humanity suffered, as the site is inextricably linked with the ideals of peace, reconciliation, noble competition and Olympism. The John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation’s publication of the book dedicated to the Archaeological Museum of Olympia in December 2008 was a gesture of homage to this world-renowned sacred site.
One year later, in 2009, the Foundation pays tribute to Marathon and the Archaeological Museum, on the occasion of the 2,500 years anniversary from the historic battle that forever lightened the Marathon landscape. This edition dedicated to Marathon gives the reader the opportunity to feel the aura of that great historic moment through exhibits and monuments that reveal the grandeur of the acts and the catholicity of the Marathon Fighter’s ideals, mainly symbolizing the triumph of humanism and freedom over despotism.
The twelfth volume of “The Museum Cycle” focuses on The Archaeological Museum of Thebes and was presented on December 2nd, 2010. The publication of this book helped expose and compliment the rich variety of archaeological discoveries the museum has been displaying throughout the years. This volume presents several works from the Paleolithic to the Byzantine period, many of which include gods, heroes or even regular human beings of the period. It gives the reader the chance to explore the art of Viotia, which greatly enriched both Greek art and the history and mythology of our country as a whole.
In 2011 the mosaic of publications is complemented by the capital city of the ancient Macedonians, Pella, which was the cradle of macedonian civilization. The book does not only present the new museum, which opened in 2009. The aim is for the reader to understand the complete archaeological work in Pella, the Mansion and the broader area, as it is currently known from archaeological research, with simple texts of the excavators-scientists as well as the operation and organisation structures of this major city of the antiquity.
All of these volumes, which are not available for purchase, were distributed gratis to selected recipients including universities, libraries, museums, departments of antiquities and various cultural organisations in Greece and abroad.
We would like to thank the Foundation for this wonderful work of offering for free these books which can guide our guests through some of Greece's most amazing museums.
The Temple of Apollo is a Doric peripteral temple, 6 X 15 columns, constructed ca. 540 B.C. The stylobate which measures 53.82 X 21.48 m shows some upward curvature. The temple is characterized by monolithic columns quarried from the limestone ridge near the location of the temple. Only seven columns of the temple remain standing in the modern day although elements of the ground plan of the building are visible in the bedrock cuttings. The temple includes a distyle-in-antis pronaos and opisthodomos as well as two cella chambers. The western cella had 4 interior columns and the eastern had 8 interior columns.
The archaic temple was built on the site of an earlier seventh century B.C. temple, some remains of which have been excavated from t he area of Temple Hill. The monolithic column shafts measure 3.506 m high and do not show entasis. The column capitals were cut as separate blocks of stone. The sima was likely of terracotta. Angle contraction is noted in the design of the colonnades and the architrave.
In the Roman period, the interior colonnades were removed from the cellas of the structure and the columns were reused in the exterior colonnade at the west end of the forum to the northwest of the South Stoa. In the first century A.D. Roman stoas were built on two sides of the temple to the south and north. In the Roman period, the main entrance of the temple was changed from an easterly to a westerly approach.
At west side of site, remains of the large peripteral Temple of Octavia. The temple was built on a podium surrounded by stoas. These three ornate Corinthian columns, overarched by a restored architrave, are all that remain of the temple, dedicated to the sister of the Emperor Augustus.